Ichendorf Bouquet Vase short vase amber-smoke h. 28 cm. by Mist-O
The low amber-smoke vase by Ichendorf, belonging to the prestigious Bouquet Vase by Mist-O line, is an exclusive work of art that combines craftsmanship and innovative design. Meticulously crafted, this vase embodies the elegance and sophistication of Ichendorf, renowned for its tradition of high-quality blown glass. Its distinctive features are evident from the first glance. The vase, with a low and rounded shape, is made with high quality glass of amber-smoke color, which gives it a timeless charm. The combination of amber and smoke creates a unique effect of color shades, adding depth and mystery to the work. The surface of the vase is smooth and smooth, highlighting the ability of master glassmakers to shape glass with millimeter precision. Its organic shape is inspired by the natural beauty of flowers and plants, creating a synergy between the delicacy of nature and the solidity of glass. An element that adds further charm is the ability to place inside an elegant bouquet of flowers or twigs, allowing you to enhance its beauty and create a visual harmony between the content and the container. The vase is able to enhance any floral composition, enhancing their beauty with a touch of sophistication. The fusion of contemporary design and artisanal tradition gives the Ichendorf low amber-smoke vase a distinctive and timeless character. This fine piece turns out to be an elegant addition to any environment, be it modern or classic. Its presence accentuates the style and elegance of the surrounding environment, transforming a simple object into a work of art that catches the eye and enchants the observer. In conclusion, Ichendorf’s low amber-smoke vase from the Bouquet Vase by Mist-O line is an artistic excellence that embodies the perfect balance between craftsmanship, aesthetics and functionality. With its intrinsic beauty and superb design, this vase is destined to be appreciated and admired for generations, leaving an indelible mark on the mind and heart of anyone who comes across it.