Ichendorf Bouquet Vase short vase clear-green h. 28 cm. by Mist-O
The clear-green low vase by Mist-O is a design masterpiece from the prestigious Bouquet Vase line by Mist-O. This vase, with its unique fusion of shape and color, represents a work of art that enchants the senses and stimulates the imagination. Its sinuous and delicate silhouette evokes the grace of the flowers that gently settle there. With a transparent emerald green shade that blends harmoniously with the surrounding environment, this vase captures the light as a precious jewel, creating an atmosphere of serenity and refinement. Made with the craftsmanship typical of Ichendorf, every detail of the Clear-Green bass vase has been treated with meticulous precision. The hand-blown glass, made crystal clear and resistant, enhances the natural beauty of flowers, offering them a perfect background to express their uniqueness. The versatility of this vase is limitless: it adapts to any environment, be it modern or classic, giving a touch of timeless elegance. With its compact shape, it is ideal for hosting delicate floral bouquets, but can also be used as a centerpiece or as an autonomous decorative element, winning the eyes of all those who observe it. Choosing Ichendorf’s Clear-Green low vase means embracing beauty and originality. It is an invitation to explore creativity, to create unique floral combinations and to experiment with new forms of artistic expression. With the Bouquet Vase by Mist-O line, Ichendorf transforms the art of arranging flowers into a timeless experience. Let yourself be fascinated by the Clear-Green low vase and discover how it can transform your environment into an oasis of elegance and harmony.